Safe and Sound Protocol Trial

In order to deliver the Safe and Sound Protocol to a larger number of people efficiently, I offer Safe and Sound Protocol groups for listening with a similar cohort for supportive co-regulation.

My main audience for group listening is parents who are struggling as a result of their children’s struggles.

woman with headphones
Safe and Sound Group Listening Online

The advantage of listening as a group is that we get intra-group co-regulation and a sense of community. The buzz of working as a group can be hugely beneficial to some people. It is particularly helpful for people from similar groups of people – for example, therapists learning about Polyvagal Theory, existing SSP practitioners learning about group delivery, or groups of parents struggling with the UK school system!

The disadvantage of group sessions is that there HAS to be a schedule, which the listener needs to stick with. This means listening cannot be individualised, and it may mean that some group participants cannot keep pace with the rest of the group.

Please also note that Group SSP Listening is not appropriate for everyone.

How does Safe and Sound Protocol group delivery look?

Sessions take place over a period of four weeks online, and involve a mixture of Zoom sessions and “self study”.

Sessions either take place in the mornings at 10am, or in the evenings at 8.30pm

  • Intake Zoom call – all group participants MUST go through this session to ensure that they are grouped with a suitable cohort.
  • 1 hour session on polyvagal theory and mapping your nervous system
  • Session on the how the Safe and Sound Protocol works, what to look for and self-regulation exercises
  • 5-7 days in which to familiarise yourself with the SSP Connect
  • 5 consecutive weeks of listening split together, co-regulation and movement sessions, interspersed with listening in your own time.
  • Email support during the process.
  • 30 minute 1:1 wrap up session at the end of the SSP experience with me.

What is the cost?

The cost for the full SSP (following intake) is £400 per participant. Discounted rates may be available. Please contact me for details.

What is the minimum/maximum number of participants?

I need minimum 4 and maximum 20 participants, and a similar cohort of people to run a group.

For this reason, if you want to start NOW, a group option is not suitable for you unless you have 3 or more friends with a similar profile, who will benefit at the same time.

How do I join a group?

Please express your interest in my next group by emailing me. Please note that there is likely to be a wait of a up to a few months.

You can also check availability of up-coming events here: